Audrey Sebire is a member of the Local Growers group that sells local, compost-grown, spray-free fruit and vegetables at the Carterton Farmers Market. “I’d only been living in Carterton for a couple of years, so my garden was quite small and new. I liked the idea of selling healthy, locally-grown vegetables at an affordable price. I knew I’d struggle to fill the space on a stall, so went looking for others to join me.” After some shoulder-tapping the Local Growers group was formed.

Regular growers include Audrey, Lucia Zanmonti, Erin Cormack, and Helen Dew, and there are casuals. “Everyone takes turns manning the stall. It’s works out quite well. Sharing a stall adds flexibility; you’re not tied to the stall every Sunday. Carterton Farmers Market allows this. Most markets don’t.”
And your growing plans for the future? “Every year I’m extending my garden. I went to a bio-intensive organic gardening course recently, which demonstrated systems to become efficient and fit more veges into a smaller area. I’m developing food forest edges to create microclimates and produce more food. I’m passionate about growing local food in way that is healthy for both people, the soil, and the environment. I think this sort of growing is the way of the future – a home garden on a larger scale. And growing food locally all adds to community resilience”. Resilience is common to Audrey’s volunteer work with Carterton Farmers Market, Wairarapa Timebank, and Resilient Carterton.
“We welcome other growers to our stall, with emphasis on a range of vegetables rather than lots of one thing. If anyone wants to join us they can leave their name at the stall, or give me a ring on 3797959.”