We’re holding our last market at the Carterton Events Centre this Sunday before a move back to Memorial Square on the 6th Sept. Our regular stallholders will also joining the the Daffodil Festival in the square on the 13th September too.

The past 6 months have been a great experience for the Market Team and our stallholders; we’ve been pleased to see more activity to the High Street on a Sunday and the emergence of many new crafters, growers and producers, some of whom hadn’t previously sold their products commercially.
The market has gone from strength to strength and, with the return to the prominent position of the square we hope this growth will continue to provide opportunities for new and existing retailers in Carterton and the Wairarapa as a whole.
So we’d generally like to encourage people to head along to see what we have to offer, grab some fresh veges, olive oil, plants and more before finishing up with a drink and lunch at the neighbouring Buckhorn Bar.